- I was aware of what he was thinking about. 我知道他在想什么。
- I was thinking about that feller,@ Charley said. “我在想那个家伙,”查利说。
- I was thinking about a romantic cruise or scuba diving lessons. 我在想我们可以来趟浪漫的渡轮行,或是去上潜水课。
- I was thinking about what was left of him in the room. 我在想房间他留下的东西。
- At the hardest moment, I was thinking about a dead mirage. 在情绪最不好的短暂片刻;我曾经追想一个逝去了的幻影.
- I am thinking about my future plan. 我在思考未来的计划。
- I was thinking about what Roggie had said with increasing jubilation. 我掂量着列杰刚才说过的话,心里越来越感到欢乐。
- I am thinking about a visit to Paris. 我在考虑去巴黎旅游。
- I am thinking about tomorrow rs exam. 我在想明天的测验。
- I was thinking about the idiom that has something to do with the word "dou". 我在想跟“斗”有关的那个。
- Hey, Forrest, something I been thinking about. 嗨,弗勒斯,我在想一些事。
- I am thinking about going that tailor's shop. 我在想到裁缝店去一趟。
- I am thinking about tomorrow's exam. 我在想明天的测验。
- I am thinking about taking a fifth wife; why not? Solomon had a thousand wives and he was a synonym for wisdom. 我在考虑第五个妻子; 为什么不可以?所罗门王有妻妾一千,而他还是智慧的同义词哩。
- I am thinking about taking a fifth wife; why not? Solomon had a thousand wives and he is a synonym for wisdom. 我在考虑娶第五个妻子; 为什么不可以?所罗门王有妻妾一千,而他还是智慧的同义词哩。
- I am thinking about hitching down to L.A. with Bob next week. 我在考虑下礼拜和鲍伯一起搭便车到洛杉矶。
- Joyce: I am thinking about wearing a reformed cheongsam. 我在考虑要不要穿改良式的旗袍。
- I am thinking about sending some flowers to my mother. 我正在考虑给我妈妈送些花儿。
- That's just what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的。
- How did you know what I was thinking? You must be telepathic. 我心里想的事情你是怎麽知道的? 你准是有心灵感应。